What People Say - Personal Testimonials from New Directions Graduates (ND)

Don't just take my word for how cool and how life-changing ND is. It has completely changed my life, and still does, but it has also impacted several thousand other people, as well. The following are actual words written to us by ND grads. Printed with permission, of course, in order by date.

The thing that gets me is look how MANY there are!! The statements listed here were collected over the past few years -- and we've been teaching for almost 20! The majority of these posts were unsolicited. Some came from the answers to an email survey I did last year to help us improve ourselves. But most were sent to me by Email or handwritten and handed to me, as thanks for the learning and the healing they received at ND.

btw, confidentiality is very important to us to ensure that our classes and our people are always feel as safe as we can possible make them. So I asked each graduate for permission before posting their statement. I've been so please that the majority said something like, "Definitely! Glad to help!" Many even said, "Yes, I would be honored!" .

Now I am the one who is honored to present to you the kindest, most encouraging words ever spoken about the New Directions Weekend, and about Paula and my teachings and energy. We have been touched by you all. Thank you so much.
- Matt & Paula Perelstein

p.s. - I added some boldnicity for easier reading, but I don't want this to seem too salesy. I'm just excited about what people are learning and changing and 'getting', I want to SCREAM OUT to the world -- UNDERSTANDING YOUR FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS IS THE KEY TO HAPPINESS!

Our teachings are both Simple and Fast. We're Gentle, we're Loving and above all, PEOPLE REALLY HEAL AT ND because dealing with your feelings really WORKS!!

Personal Experiences and Testimonials
the New Directions Weekend Intensive


Our Experience    Our Outcome        Our Experience of Therapy and ND    The Instructors Experience       uncategorized



Thanks for this weekend, it was amazing. =)
- E 3.19.08
New Directions was a great help to me!
- P, 3.18.08
I am so grateful thank you so much as things has shifted and now i can move forward to do the things i want to do. I am not sure of the direction i need to go however i am in a better place to decide which path to take. Tell Paula hello for me please and i am so excited to get life going again.
- Pam, 3.18.08
I heard the weekend was great!! Pam said it was wonderful and that she did tons of work!!! I must say I thought about directions all weekend and was definitetly wishing I could have been there..........
- Helen, 3.18.08
I really loved being around you my friend. I watch you all weekend and I am looking forward to working with people and changing lives like you do. I am learning how you stay in your feelings the whole time.

- David, 3.18.08
I can not thank you and Paula enough for supporting me through this grief process. I truly felt safe and allowed to be. Thank You and I do look forward to supporting you in the growth of others..I would like to assist when you need me and want to ask about the leadship classes offered.
Thank You.
- Pam 3.17.08
I also want to thank you and Paula for the time you gave me. I wish I had the words to express my gratitude for the lessons that
you were able to instill in me: that I am equal to others, that I do not have to be like everyone else to feel O.K. about me, that I am
worthy of good things in life and that if I just give in to my negative thinking each day it will get alittle more comfortable in my own skin.
If I will ever be as open and out there as you two and the ND Group--I put that in Gods hands, but today I really have no complaints
about my life. Well, I know I could find some if I let myself but who couldn't, right?
Take Care and Be Happy, ME 3.12.08

Hello Matt & Paula,
I had to take a few minutes to tell you Thank You for New Directions!! I was writing a card to Bear “20 Reasons Why We Have Been Married for: “20yrs” I could not do that with out one of them being:

Thank goodness for New Directions! I believe it is because of New Directions we both got what we needed, to be where we are today and be comfortable with it. I am so thankful, not only for myself, but for you too, because we both are more in tune with who we are and what direction we can choose to go in order to accomplish what we need. If we take the wrong direction, we also have the tools to change direction and not feel so guilty about it. My dream & goal was to have a successful marriage, I have reached my goal, and I am living my dream!!!! Thank You for making my goal so easy because you were, and still are in love with me.!!”

Therefore, 20 years later I have to say to both of you Thank You, Thank You!!!! I went through the course when I was 39 and I am 60 now and the journey has been one that I will always think of both of you and what you made me feel and believe. It is so wonderful that you are still helping people like myself making there dreams come true!! Keep it up I know it isn’t easy but what a difference you make in peoples lives WOW.
Love to you both form both of us!!!
- Mr. and Mrs. Bear, 3.11.08
Hi Paula and Matt, I wanted to write you and update you on where I am, but mostly to thank you for your love, support, and becoming part of my family. I may ramble a bit in this note, but my heart is filled such love and huge thanks for teaching me and loving me and my family. Since attending the workshop in February I have been doing so much better. I no longer need the sleeping medication that had been perscribed for me. I am able to sleep through the night now most times, and when I don't, it is not anxiety related. I have had mostly good days, but when I have a bad day, where I get phisically sick, I am able to locate the "trigger", and begin to deal with it. I have so many tools in my toolbox now, and they work! Here are some of the tools I now have, and how I have used them.

1. "I am through being a Victim, and I'm finished blaming others!"
I have found that statement to be so powerfull now. I was driving Christine to work one morning, and I was suffering through all the usual symptomology due to having an appointment with my work regarding my status. The meeting was a big unknown to me, and I was in bad shape, coughing, gagging, IBS, and throwing up. I finally thought in my mind, "I'm through being a Victim". I thought to myself that when I made that statement in class, I was through being a Victim of Dad. Then I thought, why not decide not to be a Victim of this meeting today. It made perfect sence, and felt right in my heart. Then I thought about the second part, "I'm finished blaming others". Thinking that reminded me that no one is doing this to me, I was doing it to myself. It was a very empowering moment. I told Christine what I had been thinking, and then made the statement out loud, just like in class. In that instant, the symptoms were gone, and I felt great. I realized that once I identify what is causing my anxiety, I can decide not to be a Victim of that particular issue, even if I haven't worked on it in class. What a great tool, and empowering statement.

2. Gut checking myself to assist me in identifying what is "triggering" me.
If I am having anxiety over somthing, and I don't know what it is, I will make statements to myself such as, "I'm feeling this way because I am still not able to go to work", or "I'm feeling this way because I should be doing more around the house". I will feel it in my gut, or heart when I have hit on the right issue. It's like my own truth identifier. Then I can choose to say, "That is a valid reason for the anxiety" and start to fix it, or "It's a dumb reason to be anxious", and let it go.

Am I boring you yet? Sorry, I'm just so exited about what you've helped me learn, and seeing it work in my life, that now you're stuck with the feedback. :-)

3. If something someone says hurts my feelings, or makes me feel bad about myself, check it out with them to see what they really meant.
One Friday Christine and I had talked about just spending the evening alone it the bedroom watching TV, playing Scrabble, and snuggling. It sounded great. That evening, Lori showed up, and Christine got up, got dressed and went out with Lori to have a few drinks. She asked me if I wanted to go, but I was already hurt by her decision. I started to feel bad about myself, that I wasn't "enough". All the while she was gone I was coughing, IBS, and throwing up. Then I asked myself, " Would Christine hurt me on purpose and try to make me feel bad about myself?" I knew in my heart she would never hurt me on purpose. So since she did not intend to hurt me, I did not have to feel hurt. We just had different expectations regarding the evening. By the time she got back, I was okay with it, and passed it. I spoke to her about it just to show her how I had used the "tool".

4. Changing the picture.
Another great tool to have. One day I was not feeling well physically and emotionally, but I had agreed to drive my Mother up to visit my Sister at their house in the mountains. I really did not want to go. My Son Michael was going to go with us. I decided to make the day about spending a great day with my Son and enjoying his sweet spirit, rather that taking a long drive up the mountains, and spending 4 hours being somewhere I didn't want to be. Changing that picture felt good in my heart, and I had a good day.

Thats all I have for you now, but know that you have brought so much joy into my life through your love and teachings. I'm so exited that I just want to learn more and more. I love you both so much. Thank you for letting my family be part of yours.
- Michael 3.7.08
So grateful for you and Paula.
Love, Lynda 2.18.08
The last few months have been a rollercoaster. A deeper awareness of myself is growing everyday. Subtle shifts in perspectives are becoming major shifts in behavior. As I become more aware I keep experiencing a little bit more of the pain and loss and anger that has been stuffed away and denied.
There have been some wonderful changes. I find myself more able to live in the present moment and expereince the joy and happiness of the now. When deep emotions overcome me, I am less fearful of letting them wash over me since I know and believe that it will pass. I am hearing the compliments I am receiving and am able to accept and believe most of them. I feel stronger, more confident, and capable of setting and holding my boundaries and pursuing what I want instead of what others expect me to do.
I have had a few people tell me that I am an inspiration to them which is extremely validating to me in the growth and changes I have made in the last couple of years. It does make the decision to keep growing, changing, and facing my fears a little easier. In being more real with my interactions with an old employer who I am still doing consutling work for; I am happier, more satisfied with my work, and am getting the appreciation and respect I had always wanted and deserved. I have started the counseling program and absolutely enjoy it and know deep inside that this is where I am supposed to be.
- SueW 2.18.08
If you are not happy enough, loving enough, or enjoying your life enough, then your blueprint is set for "not enough". Fortunately or unfortunately your current emotional blueprint will stay with you for the rest of your life unless you identify it and change it... and that is exactly what Paula and Matt Perelstein help you do at their New Directions Workshop.
- Thea Westra, http://www.forwardsteps.com.au/ 2.16.08
You guys are an amazing example of walking the talk and I am proud to call you both my friends!
- LJ, 2.14.08
Hello all! I am here, and doing well. I did some work at ND, cleaned up some gunk, and feel better. I realized how much I talk myself out of things that I "KNOW" are right, and I am done doing that. I am done holding everyone else up on a pedestal thinking they know more than me....believing they are "Better" than..... ENOUGH of that!
After I did that clean up, I was able to really "HEAR" something from Paula. Clear, honest and upfront. I appreciate that sooo much about her. At any rate, she was right, and she helped me look at the situation I am dealing with in a different light. Now there is WAY less pressure, anger and frustration. ROCKIN!!! Thanks Paula!

THANKS LJ!!!!!!! I am thanking myself a lot now. I almost asked AJ last night to validate something I did for him, and someone else this weekend because I needed it. Instead I thanked myself and whoa! What a difference. It was neato!

Anyway, just an FYI, thanks to all my ND friends who helped me out this weekend! I am so thankful to all of you!
Love you all!!!!!
LJ 2.5.08
I started a journal back after the March ND with the title "What I learned at ND." or some such thing. I learned so much about myself at the last new directions and I am still learning.
- Drena, 2.4.08

" I am on such a high from the weekend."
" I am willing to tell ANYONE how th course made a difference in my relationship with my father."
" New Directions has given me a new life."
" Life has been wonderful since ND."
" It works."
" I don't have to let emotional pain rule my behaviours any longer."
" I now won't let Michael, my dad, or any man walk over me... EVER AGAIN."
" I have found an intense educational experience."
" Like a boiling mass being taken awy from your body."
" Because of the safe environment, I was able to truly be aware, feel, and express a great deal of fear, anger and sadness, I'd been holding onto my whole life."
" The freedom and personal power I felt when fully expressing my emotions."
" Get there. Get it out. Get on."
" This is huge and profound!"
" I really can't imagine how my life would have been like if I hadn't come here."
" I also got rid of a big load that I didn't realize I had."
" You give others what they need to be happy but in a healthy way."
" Profound and powerful"
" Today I spend much more time in reflection than escape, enjoying my time instead of judging me."


Thanks for a great weekend. I Love you and Paula.
- David T. 11.11.07


I need to listen to you more when you tell me to deal with anger. This is the first time in 7 months that my arms haven't bothered me.

- SueW. 11.13.07, 2 days after class


I have learned through attending ND that there is nothing too big to work through.

- Terri 9.26.07

I absolutely love this group to death, you guys just don't realize the impact you have had on me and my life. Especially, after to going to ND - I can't say it enough: I love you guys!!

Monica 9.12.07

"Hi Matt,"

"I read your email about attitude right after I had a change of attitude. I called it a new directions moment."

"Someone said something to me that upset me. I asked him if he was willing to listen to me. He said yes but his attitude said no. We had a bit of a discussion that upset me, I went away, which is what I do. I went to the bathroom and started to cry
, which then turned to anger. I heard my inside voice say "stay with the hurt". So I looked at it and realized it is not about me being less because I do not agree with him. I don't have to take that inside. He is entitled to his belief system and so am I. So now instead of feeling angry and hurt, I feel my personal power. I was able to tell him that our conversation was growth for me."

"Thank you for New Directions," Michelle

- Michelle 9.29.07

"For me, though N/D can seem scary, turned out to be a safe, nurturing, loving environment, filled with people just like me! I have felt great fear, deep shame, guilt... that through the N/D method has helped me deal with and release emotional baggage, psychological trash from past to make room for the positive aspects of life, to reconnect with my birthright, my safe sanctuary from within. For example, I have worked on molest, rape, spousal abuse. Dealt with emotional pictures that has kept me stuck, clogged up my system so much that I disconnected from self, my children, others. Over time (not a quick fix), my sometime not so patient journey, has lead me to reconnect with Devine within, with Self and Others."

- Lynda 9.2.06
"Today I spend much more time in reflection than escape, enjoying my time instead of judging me."

- Michele E. 9.12.06
Pain and fear doesn't impact my decision making on a day to day bases anymore. I had no idea how much so until I went to New Directions in 2005. The insight given to me by Matt and Paula is remarkable. A day does not go by that I give thanks for having enough curiosity--'to see if they could possibly tell me something that I did not already know.' Well, they did! Today I am not the victum that I once was.

What Matt forgot to mention was the on going support that is given to you if you are willing to seek it. It is not a HEAL and BE GONE experience! There is contact and support until you learn to laugh,live, and enjoy BEING...YOU! Health, Love, and Laughter to you. :)

- Michele E. 9.12.06
" Thanks for the weekend. Profound and powerful are just a few words that describe what happened for we students this weekend."

- Wendy
"You have so much love and understanding. You give others what they need to be happy but in a healthy way. Thank you for being there for people who want to change."

- Jim 4.2.06
" I can't thank you enough for the wonderful gift you give to people!! Thank you for helping my 'sis to heal some. You are a blessing! I love you."

- Annette
" I am so grateful for the two of you. I have learned a great deal. I also got rid of a big load that I didn't realize I had. I think both of you very much for everything. I will be back sometime soon."

- Ben, 78 years old
" You've met my need to be held and cared for, with finesse and charm. It's exactly what I needed."

- Drena
"I really can't imagine how my life would have been like if I hadn't come here."

- Cathleen, 18 years after her first ND
"He who grieves well, lives well."

- Patrick
"This is huge and profound!"

- Wendy
"Get there. Get it out. Get on."

- LJ
"My daughter called me this morning and thanked me for loving her enough to get her involved in ND. She said that it let her know just how much I love her."

- Terri, 48 2.7.06, after re-connecting with her estranged husband (separated 5 mo.), then brought her adult son thru to re-connect and heal with him… now bringing her adult daughter thru to let her BLAST out the anger and hurt and disappointment from a tough childhood... so they could have an awesome adulthood, together. Dad (Patrick) shared, at graduation: "You've re-united my family. I can't thank you enough for that."

I had an opportunity to express my feelings to my boyfriend AJ on Sunday night. Totally at the intensity that I felt them; raw, total, and honest. It was perfect. And as a result, him and I are so much closer...
- LJ, 28 2.7.06


"It is such a life changing and growth experience, a place to feel safety (maybe for the first time ever) and to feel loved for who you are as a person not as a label.  Keep up the good work."

- Helen T.    12.1.05


ND offered me a safe environment, free from judgement, threats, or putdowns, in which I could truly share my feelings. Because of that safe environment, I was able to truly be aware, feel, and express a great deal of fear, anger and sadness, I'd been holding onto my whole life. I learned I didn't have to hide from people at ND, that I would be accepted, which allowed me focus on what emotions I myself had been running from for so long.

At ND I also learned the "numbness" achieved through SI that I found so comforting in the past is a frightening, hollow, empty feeling, compared to the freedom and personal power I felt when fully expressing my emotions."

- Shannon  8.22.05


"It won't be easy, and it will be scary, but it will also be so freeing. Like a weight off your shoulders, like a boiling mass being taken away from your body."

- Gay     12.20.05

"Matt you are awesome!! Thank you for your support. I think you are such an amazing person, and I am sure that everyone would agree. The way you interact and connect with people is wonderful. You bring a great sense of comfort and warmth to the group. I'm on such a high from the weekend. I can't wait to come back and do it again. I am so lucky to have gotten to meet such a wonderful group of people.

- Liz, age 21, 3.15.05 (2 days after her 1st class)

 "New Directions has been a help to so many people to just be able to get in touch with the spectrum of feelings.  Being able to express feelings at the intensity they're being felt tends to take the mystery out of fear , depression, anxiety, etc."

 - John F., LMFT  7.12.4

"I have experienced many different approaches to personal growth work. In taking this course, I have found an intense educational experience that has helped to put many issues in perspective. Through this approach, I have experienced resolution on some important personal issues and watched the same happen for many people. It is a worthwhile experience that allows students to come from the weekend with new perspectives and choices available to them.  I highly recommend this weekend for anyone who is searching for 'life instructions."

- Rebecca M.




"I made a huge statement about not letting another man touch me until he was committed, and we had emotional intimacy first.  I said I wouldn't let Michael, or my dad, or any other man that had the idea walk over me... EVER AGAIN.  And I haven't.  :)"

- L.J.     12.20.05


Hi Matt,

It was great meeting you and Paula and everyone else, such a wonderful group of people!

I think the most important thing I took away from the class was the knowledge that I do have a choice in how I deal with my emotions.   I don't have to let pain rule my behavior. It would have been so easy to give into the very strong temptations to cut or drink or even suicide just to end the suffering. I know I had Sabrina and others praying for me because each time I was tempted I was reminded of my Personal Power and that I would be allowing Satan victory over me.

Thank you again for the incredible weekend,
- Kathy
40ish, married, 2 kids, meek and fearful, found her PP (personal power) in class!
7.23.05, a week after her 1st class


"Hey Matt,

How are you? I am doing well. I am still in North Carolina and I love it. I have a wonderful job with a bunch of wonderful people. I am doing great thanks to you and everyone that supported me. I also have some great news, I getting married August 5th 2006 in California of course. He knows all about me (the ugly stuff and he still loves me). I am free to be me and that would have never happened if I had never met you and the rest of the crew. Tell everyone I said, HI!! And thanks for everything but MOST IMPORTANTLY THANKS FOR LOVING ME WHEN I DIDN'T FEEL LOVABLE.  Can you believe it: I AM GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!


- Dieshawn  9.3.05


What you and Paula do is so powerful. It works, Matt. I'm a living testament to that. It took personal effort, granted, but without having a safe place to process all that Yuck I would still be walking around in so much pain. My kids would be hurting. Michael and I would be divorced. My friend Jan would be dead. . . DEAD!

Luv ya!

See you soon!"

- Christine  8.30.05

"Hey Matt!  Just dropping a note to let you know that Debbie and I are on a high!  We’ve really progressed in our relationship and life has been wonderful.  There are many things that have helped me be a better person and face my fears.  You are one of them. Had I not attended that weekend 16 months ago, I’d still be afraid of being who I really am.  I like me today and I like giving of myself openly to other people.

Carry on and help others, you and the whole crew are truly blessed!!!"



ND has given me So much.  Feelings first of all.  Awareness of life & things that had happen to me which I had stuck way down deep & didn't know was there. A new life & how I can now give that back to other people.  Friends & family that really care, fun, laughter, light heartedness(if that is a word), a brand new me. Full of love for myself, love to other people, no judgments, a new language, freedom to change when I am ready to change."

- Michele 08.22.05

"I am willing to tell ANYONE how the course made a difference in my relationship with my father.  I was the only one who changed and I cleaned everything up FOR ME.  I then had many years of an open and loving relationship with Dad and had many wonderful visits with him.  He was 84, ready to "go," and I feel totally complete with our life together."

- Val, 6.24.05
"Matt you are awesome!! Thank you for your support. I think you are such an amazing person, and I am sure that everyone would agree. The way you interact and connect with people is wonderful. You bring a great sense of comfort and warmth to the group. I'm on such a high from the weekend. I can't wait to come back and do it again. I am so lucky to have gotten to meet such a wonderful group of people.
- Liz, age 21, 3.15.05 (2 days after her 1st class)

"You know life is a journey with many steps and obstacles along the way. Some of the obstacles feel like roadblocks that we are unable to move past New Directions helped me (and many, many others) get rid of the roadblocks so I could move forward in my life. Without ND I would still be circling around, having the same things happen over and over and not be able to make positive moves in my life. I was stuck in a rut, still hanging on to the same fears and patterns and now I am free of those fears and have made many new and exciting choices for myself and my children. Sometimes it takes getting out of your comfort zone to make new things happen and ND helps you to move out of your comfort zone with tons of support and love so you can make the positive changes necessary to move past the roadblocks."

- Helen T.  1.4.5 (10 years after her 1st ND)


"I've been to millions and millions of hours of therapy and I gotta tell you, I thought ND was Fantastic -- one of the best experiences I've ever had!"

- Maryl Millard, PhD, Director of Adoption Advocates  12.8.05


What could you have done to make the counseling more positive?  gone to ND instead!

I feel that my therapy caused me to feel like there was something 'wrong' with me and that I would need medication for the the rest of my life for "Chemical Imbalance".  It did bring to light my 'issues' but I never felt like I was given the tools needed to make me better.

        - Jan J.



"ND offered me a place to really, totally, completely Express myself -- not only to myself, but (oh, so importantly) to another human being who wouldn't judge me or reject me.  I have been able to acknowledge, feel and release many of the past "issues" I carried around inside me, that choked me and ruined my life experience.


ND offered me a place to care.  To put my needs/feelings aside for a moment to reach out to others, to Totally be there for them, to connect with them and to help them heal.

Thanks, God, for putting ND in my life!"
- Matt 
(yep, it works for me, too -- that's why I've been doing it and teaching it for so long!)  8.22.05


"New Directions is a place that no matter where you are in your learning process, or what problems you have in life, you will walk away with new information. This has been a journey in learning for me and I would like to share this part of my personal growth with each and every person I meet. "

- Lori Seargeant, ND instructor and participant for over 12 years

"I went to ND this weekend and it was awesome.  I did some really good work on myself (even though I was assisting), and took some risks-  got out of my comfort zone.  It was all good.  This program is so fantastic for people who want to continually work on their life issues and also help other people do the same."

- Gay 11/22/04


if you liked these, there are way, way more...

for once, if it seems to good to be true, it's not... people have really changed, this much.
read on... More Testimonials.


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