New Directions Weekend Workshop

The New Directions Weekend offers participants a chance to learn, change and grow in a safe, controlled environment.

During the class, you will learn how emotions are formed, how to identify them one-at-a-time and you'll get a chance to practice accessing, expressing and using emotions as you will on a day-to-day basis. These powerful new tools bring with them a renewed sense of Personal Power, which spills over into daily life and work. Afterwards, you will be less distracted by emotional issues at work, build stronger relationships and able to listen, react and communicate in clearer, more effective ways.

In the New Directions weekend, under the careful supervision of a licensed therapist (M.K. "Doc" Downing, PhD, MSW, LMFT) and experienced instructional staff, participants are encouraged to release some of their backed-up emotions, deep-seated pains and unresolved anger. From this pain, core belief systems are formed from our past life experiences and they continue to affect our thoughts, feelings and behaviors today. Since many of us had parents, teachers and role-models who were unable to acknowledge and express their emotions in positive, functional ways, we learn dysfunctional, destructive, even violent ways to handle problems and disagreements (Dr. Phil calls them "Defining Moments").

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Who are you guys?
Paula and Matt have been teaching New Directions for over 18 years now. We started as students and actually met in the intensive, 2-year instructor training program of a similar workshop in Boulder, Colorado. Since then we have married, had a daughter (Rachel) and have continued to teach, improve and grow with New Directions. We've taught over 2,000 students now in 4 states and we keep going for one main reason -- the class and the concepts work!

Why do it in a group? Isn't one-on-one more personal and productive?
Nope. We've tried it. No doubt that one-on-one can get great results, but they are often:

A whole weekend?
Yep. We made it off work hours for convenience. It takes the whole weekend to make sure everybody gets the personal attention you deserve.

How does the weekend progress?
On Friday night, our main intention is to make sure everyone feels as Safe as possible, as we build Trust and Openness to Learning. We do some sharing, some lecture and a visualization, and you leave with 6 homework questions to think about.

On Saturday morning, we remain in the large group for awhile, more sharing, more lecture to explain how this all works, plus a few powerful exercises. Around lunchtime, we get into smaller groups, so that no one gets lost in the crowd. We remain in these smaller "teams" the rest of the weekend, building a sense of Family, Belonging and Safety. We then share the answers to our homework questions and do another exercise that brings people closer and starts the feeling process.

The remainder of Saturday and most of the day on Sunday is spent on the small teams and one-on-one. Each student gets a chance to share their personal stories, get support and encouragement from their small group and the large group, and get personallized, attentive help from the leaders and their group. During this time, you will feel every conceivable feeling, on purpose, learning to identify, accept and release so many of body's natural feelings and emotions. Afterwards, you will feel relief, relaxation and an openness that is unparalleled. You will leave with a rejuvenated Spirit, a renewed Hope in what's possible, and the emotional tools to make your life look, and more importantly FEEL, the way you want it to, from then on!

I don't live nearby, is it really worth it to travel all the way there?
You bet. There is nothing else quite like ND (that we've ever run across). We offer lessons and concepts that just aren't found anywhere else.

I have to travel, what arrangements do I need?

Is there really a money-back guarantee?
yes. 'tis true. If you come to the whole weekend, and hate it, or it just doesn't do much for you, we understand. It happens every once in a while. Let us know and you will be refunded in full (or in part, if you got some value from our efforts.)

What's the single, most powerful thing I can do to learn more about ND?
Click the What People Say link below. (it never ceases to amaze me how much positive effect ND has had on so many. Give us a chance, I'll bet we can help you, too.)

I'd still like more info. Can I talk to a live person?
Sure. Click on the Contact Us link below and give us a call or email. We're always open to meeting new friends that are growing along the same path that we are.


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