New Directions Workshops

(new Tour -- check out this informative PowerPoint presentation -- be patient, it's worth it!)

        • Are you clueless, emotionally?
        • Are your emotions working for you, or against you?

        • Would you like to feel more Passion and Aliveness in your life?      

    Presenting an Extraordinary Workshop
    That Will Change Your Emotional Life Forever…

New Directions:
Journey of Feeling & Healing
Emotional Intelligence 101
Sign up info

"The Psychology of Happiness"

"There is a certain psychology to happiness and success. Most people don't know about it, that's why most people never become truly happy. A lack of happiness is not the problem, it is merely a symptom of what's going on inside you. " -- Matt Perelstein

Now YOU can learn how to develop a New Direction toward Happiness...

What do Happy People Do?

BY INCREASING YOUR EQ (Emotional Intelligence)

Most of us were never taught in schools or at home how to deal with our feelings and emotions
and if we were, most likely we were taught by people who weren't very good at it. The first critical thought element in winning the happiness game is knowing WHAT YOU FEEL.

  • Can you separate your anger from your hurt?
  • Can you identify what you are really afraid of, and where that fear originated in your life?
  • Can you make your anger work for you, rather than it getting you in trouble?

In this section, you will learn a step-by-step process to help you Identify, Accept and Express your feelings in productive ways... ways that honor yourself, while enhancing and improving all of your person-to-person relationships. Knowing yourself and your feelings will help immeasurably in knowing and understanding others around you!

Here's a portion of what you will learn...

  • Specific feeling enhancement and feeling reduction strategies
  • The beauty and joy of truly "connecting" with other folks who are travelling the same path as you
  • 10 Steps to drastically increase your level of Emotional Intelligence
  • The 7 Steps to Healing your Feelings, any feeling, no matter how painful, can be "processed" using these natural steps.
  • Experience what's it's like to feel emotional safety, unconditional acceptance and supportive love
  • The underlying cause of almost all emotional issues
  • A feeling management method that allows you to know what you feel, accept those feelings and express feelings in positive, healthy ways
  • The 4 Steps to Learning which are crutial to being honest with ourselves

"We can only make decisions on what we are aware of."
- Doc Downing, PhD, LMFT (a therapist for over 30 years, who helps teach every workshop).

Your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world. If you want to change your situation on the outside, you will first need to change it on the inside.

"The first key to change is Awareness"

    • Is your old Emotional baggage getting in your way?
    • Tired of your feelings coming out at the wrong times, or on the wrong people?
    • Not as happy as you'd like to be?

      Do you have:
        • Unresolved anger or rage?


        • The hopeless, powerless feelings of depression?


        • Punishing guilt or toxic shame?
        • Can't seem to get along, no matter how hard you try?

        • Strong feelings of sadness or grief?
        • Want relief and release?

As children, our EQ isn't well developed. Our little bodies feel many powerful, heart-wrenching emotions, but we don't know what to DO with all these feelings. And, our parents either didn't know, or were not helpful, giving emotionally-stiffling advice such as, "Shut Up," or "Be Quiet," or "Big boys don't cry," or "Kids are seen but not heard," or "Good girls don't get angry," the like. In order to survive, we had to deny or negate our feelings, and stuff them down deep inside, developing clever ways of avoiding our feelings. It is so often a function of our past programming, mostly from when we were young and extremely impressionable. This blueprint will determine our destiny.

Our emotional blueprint comes from 3 primary sources:

  • Verbal Conditioning - what we heard,
  • Modeling - what we saw, and
  • Specific Incidents -- what we experienced.

You will learn how to master the "inner game".

Here's a portion of what you will learn...

  • How your childhood conditioning is affecting your feelings and beliefs today
  • How to identify and manage your personal feelings and emotions
  • How to release your hidden emotional blocks to success and happiness
  • How to recognize your "emotional personality" so you can build on your strengths and
    overcome your weaknesses
  • How to use "spiritual laws" to create "real world" success
  • How happy people think differently than unhappy people
  • How to recondition your mind for "automatic" success

"Your happiness can only grow to the
extent that you do!"

So what is your emotional blueprint set for? Are you set for success, mediocrity or failure; ease or struggle; consistent happiness or constant "ups and downs"; pain or joy, wonderful relationships or picking losers? How do you know? One way is to look at your results! If you are not happy enough, loving enough, or enjoying your life enough, then your blueprint is set for "not enough". Fortunately or unfortunately your current emotional blueprint will stay with you for the rest of your life unless you identify it and change it... and that is exactly what we do at this course.

"Feelings expressed verbally will reduce in intensity and are free to change."
- Doc Downing, PhD, LMFT

The Universe is dynamic. Everything is in a state of constant motion and change. Meaning that at every moment you are either attracting happiness or repelling it. At the New Directions Intensive Weekend Workshop you will change your emotional blueprint right on the spot and recondition yourself for "automatic" happiness. Happiness will become your natural way of being and good fortune (luck) will follow you wherever you go, whatever you do. By the end of this course you will have a completely different point of view towards happiness and success; a successful person's view. Best of all, the same principles you learn to enhance your emotional life will also enhance your inner peace and happiness. The New Directions Intensive Weekend Workshop will teach you to be "successful" in every sense of the word.


Our Mission
"To educate & inspire people to live in their higher self based in feeling of courage, purpose & joy, not fear, need and obligation."


As a student I accomplished more in the 3-day New Directions experience than I had in 5 years of "working on myself." It truly gave me personal power and a New Direction to my life.

Linda V.

An intensely educational experience!

Pam B.

I went to New Directions after my therapist had suggested it previously, but I never seemed to have a weekend free. Shortly after my separation a session came up on a weekend I had free. I didn't feel I could handle it emotionally at the time, but walked in with great reluctance on Friday night and came out on Sunday with a lifetime of insight.

Never before had I been aware of the feelings and the power they carried inside me. Especially anger and sadness. But the most important thing that I learned was that I needed to feel a whole range of feelings before I could become whole again.

It was a very scary position to be in but facing the fear gave me the inner power and knowledge that the feelings of anger, fear, sadness and being happy are within my control and gave me back some control over my own life.

Patrick S.

Many of my most genuine laughs, most joyous experiences, and most human moments have been among friends during a New Directions weekend. I have also brought my husband and other good friends to New Directions in order to offer them a new discovery of themselves--the best gift anyone could receive.

Julie B.

Dear Paula & Matt,
I want to say thank you for starting New Directions. I don't think you fully appreciate what last weekend meant and did for me. I have recommended the program to my pastor and other friends and your ministry is in my prayers. Paula you were correct in that I was sitting there Friday night as a block of stone, you just picked the wrong type. You said granite but I ended up being sandstone. I don't know if you have been to Lake Powell in Az but the canyons there are sandstone and quite beautiful. What formed their beauty was the flow of water. Why I say I was sandstone is that as everyone helped me lower my defenses and let my emotions show. The tears cut away at the rock and let me see who I am, and that I am all I need to be.

Garrick S.

New Directions has changed my life in many ways large and small. The first thing that happened to me in my very first class (August 1989) on the very first night was the safety and security to finally begin to grieve the death of my mother (16 years from then). It was an incredible experience, such a relief and so cleansing. The next day I got to find out that I was not the only person there experiencing panic anxiety and again was given the safety and security to work through the feelings without masking or running from the anxiety. So that was just my personal stuff, then my husband was there with me and we got to do a lot of work on our feelings about the relationship. It was a very busy weekend and I was validated, encouraged and loved through it all.

New Directions gave me tools and taught me how to get through the hard times in my life. I also met wonderful people in the classes; many who I still have close and dear relationships with.

Helen T.

I am able to make my life look like I want it to look. I am no longer depressed and only get angry appropriately. I can stand up for myself. I make things happen in my life, in my relationships, and in my work. I am nicer and more fun, and people like being around me more. I am truly happy and have been for years now. I am able to live on the coast (and long-term dream); I am in a wonderful, long-term relationship. I am truly living my dream. Thank you Matt and Paula!

Valerie G.



   New Directions Training

From the desk of Matt Perelstein

Dear friend,

After seeing what this course has done for past participants, I feel it's my personal mission to make this knowledge available to as many people as possible. These simple, yet profound, Emotional Intelligence principles have totally changed my life, the life of everyone in my family and the lives of thousands of people all across the Western United States. It would be an honour to share these principles with you!

At this program you will meet a great group of like-minded, growth-oriented people, many of whom could turn into new friends, lovers and/or business contacts, especially during the amazing networking that happens during the class.

I would also recommend you consider bringing family members, friends, business partners and even co-workers to the course. Not only will this give you emotional support and understanding, but you will also connect with each other on a level deeper than you may have ever experienced before.

So, is this course right for you? The simplest way to decide is to look at your current results. If you're not 100% satisfied with your level of happiness, your relationships or your success, then you owe it to yourself to register for the New Directions Weekend today.

$399 - First-time Students
$249 - Previous Graduates

This course will change your life.

Thank you for your interest, we look forward to meeting you in person soon. If you are serious about healing your past and creating the future you want, you owe it to yourself to join us!

To your freedom,

- Matt & Paula

P. S. We teach our programs using high impact, "accelerated learning technologies" so that you learn faster, remember more and have ten times the fun, all while you change your emotional life forever!


For over 20 years now, Matt & Paula Perelstein have been teaching others how to live happier, joyful, more successful lives!

The Perelsteins combine a unique blend of "attitude, with heart" to encourage and push their students & clients. They'll make it safe for you to be who you are, but they are also about Personal Responsibility - getting results without blaming or being a victim -- sometimes the road is bumpy. Net result? They help people who are struggling for happiness make their lives look, and more importantly feel, the way they want them to.

Matt & Paula have been working with the widely-published therapist, author and leader in the human potential movement, M.K. "Doc" Downing, PhD, LMFT. Doc is the author of "Taking Control of Your Life" textbook (used in the class), the corresponding workbook, "Anatomy of a Victim", "Doc's Quotable Quotes" plus hundreds of articles and writings. Doc Downing has made significant therapeutic inroads into human motivation and interactions using the Cognitive - Affective - Behavioral Therapy Model. Matt & Paula are taking Doc's powerful concepts into clear, sustainable, memorable lessons for the general public.

"If I accept your feelings, just the way they are, maybe you can accept them too -- it's a crucial part of growth."

More than 2,000 participants have come from all over the country to attend Matt & Paula's seminars and workshops. Are you ready to feel better, permanentely?

New Directions
Intensive Weekend Workshop

Take a Tour

I want more out of my life -- sign me up!

For more information, please contact us

Copyright @ 2002-2008 Directions Unlimited

We are approved by the State of California to teach Emotional Intelligence to LMFTs (licensed marriage & family therapists) and LCSW's (licensed clinical social workers) are required to take Continuing Education Units during any 2 year period. ND provides 20 CEU credits, the entire requirement, in one weekend.

What Grads Say About ND
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